“Teeth” are one of the important organs of the body that must be maintained to be healthy. The oral cavity consists of many components, including teeth, tongue, gums, blood vessels, nerves, etc. Each part has different functions according to the abilities and commands of the brain. Our bodies cannot lack any part because every part is essential.
Every day, people have to consume food through the oral cavity, whether solid or liquid food, and if not thoroughly supervised or cleaned, it will cause many problems. The dentists who provide treatment and consultation today are quite expensive, so many people have never been close to the dentists, both necessary and unnecessary.
Honestly speaking, whether you have oral problems or not, at least every six months, you should go to check your oral health to get an idea or learn how to nourish your oral health care.
What are the benefits of good dental health?
Good oral hygiene helps digest food to be smaller, allowing the body to absorb nutrients more efficiently and helps the body’s digestive system to function fully. Maintaining oral health is, therefore, directly crucial to a daily diet. Because the food we eat will cause the accumulation of bacteria from food waste, if left for a long time will cause tooth decay, bad breath, toothache, swollen gums, and sensitive teeth.
It will not happen if you take care of your dental health thoroughly every day by brushing your teeth in the morning after waking up and brushing in the evening before going to bed.
Or some people may choose to clean their teeth after eating each meal. The important thing to clean teeth is to consider choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste that is suitable for oral health to reduce the accumulation of bacteria that will worsen oral health.
How to have a healthy mouth and teeth?
Good oral and dental health is important for well-being. Maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth is the most important thing you can do for your gums and teeth. Healthy teeth not only help to look good and feel good. But it also helps you to eat easily. And you can speak clearly as well.
Daily care, which is to brush your teeth properly, will help prevent the oral cavity problems causing less pain, more saving, and less anxiety than having to be treated once the problem arises.
It is a simple procedure. That will help reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems. You should consider practicing these regularly in order to maintain good dental health.
- Brushing your teeth twice a day.
- Using dental floss once a day.
- Eating a balanced diet and limit snacking between meals.
- The use of toothpaste that contains fluoride.
- Mouthwash with fluoride mouthwash in case that the dentist recommends.
- Giving children under 12 years of fluoride-containing water to drink or providing fluoride supplements.
- Place the brush at a 45 ° angle to the gum line and sweep away from the gum line.
- Gently brush both the inner side and the grinding area by brushing up and down.
- Gently brush the tongue to eliminate bacteria and reduce bad breath.
Good dental health is the key to good overall health. Believe that good deeds today will have good results tomorrow and respond in the future as well. If you want to have good oral well-being, start from today. Don’t wait. Do not be afraid that it’s too late. It’s never late to start taking care of your health!