Stress is the evil of our modern society: according to specialist Lauren E. Miller, this phenomenon is not inevitable! We can all learn to manage it to prevent it from ruining our daily lives, and not be the cause of more or less serious health problems.
Learning to deal with stress can take a while, but everyone can. For this, it is necessary to know yourself well and to have the right keys. Then, extreme situations will have less impact on you.
Here are techniques to easily overcome your everyday stress, some simple tips to listen better and be more serene. There is one that is made for you!
Learn to manage your time
Poor time management gives us the impression that we are constantly overwhelmed and that we no longer have anything to control, which is a major stress inducer. It is why it is essential to learn to manage your time on a daily basis.
Step back
If you are upset and in the heat of the moment, your mind will not be sufficiently available to find adequate solutions to your problems. Taking a little time and step back is, therefore, the only attitude that will allow you to find a constructive answer to the problem to which you are exposed.
Practice yoga
Yoga helps manage stress and improve well-being. This oriental practice, originally, helps rebalance the energy in the belly and viscera. Thus, the practitioner finds an absolute serenity. Ideal for facing the trials of life!
Learn to relax
It is often helpful to practice some relaxation exercises. Applicable on any occasion when it is well controlled, it allows to considerably reduce the physical effects of stress, in particular by lowering the rhythms of the pulse and breathing, and by reducing the rate of adrenaline.
Adopt a positive attitude
You can, if you decide, change the way you think about situations and decipher everyday life. For this, try positive autosuggestion. You will see that you will then work with pleasure and enthusiasm. Also, this technique helps develop self-confidence.
Get fit
Physical exercise eliminates many toxins and lowers the level of adrenaline secreted under stress. Thus, being in a good physical condition also helps you better cope with the effects of stress.
Give up the impossible
Nothing is more stressful than feeling a situation escape us and having no way of acting to make it change. To avoid this, it is obligatory to anticipate situations in which there is a risk of ending up in a dead-end. Once these situations have been identified, you must try to absolutely avoid them or change the course of things from the start. Keeping control is also mourning what is impossible. There is no point in setting inaccessible goals!
Learn to say no
If you cannot provide the service you are asked to do because you lack the time and resources, then explain it to your contact. It is better to say no from the start, rather than not keeping your commitments. Adopting this attitude will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
Talk about your problems with others
Studies have shown that people who don’t confide in themselves are more stressed than those who open up to others easily. Talking helps to express repressed feelings.
Changeā¦ gently…
You will not be able to pass overnight from a stressful daily life to a more restful life! Try to integrate our advice little by little: they will become habits in a very short time!